Thursday, January 15, 2009


Sunday evening and I am itchy but nothing like the week. I still think it is the Neulasta. The pharmacist agrees, not so sure the Dr. will.

I feel like I can.t take a full breath. Oh great....Is this in my head or is it real. Shoot I take more Atarax. control my breathing and go pick up Tyler. By the time I get to her I can take a deep breath. I am fine. I know I can have another reaction anytime now and if I stop the antihistamine too soon, I could get in trouble. Believe it or not....I hate taking drugs, any kind, I am not happy.

I have no hair Huge hives, bad lips and big fat feet. WHo am I...I still can make you laugh.

and I am going to be healthy in less than 6 weeks.